Tuesday 3 March 2015

The Experience...

My Experience at KFC was great!. The Customer Service were good there was no rush. The Presentation could have been better though it was up to the standard just has I had imagined. I bought a combo meal for $6.00 a small size burger, small chips,1 piece KFC chicken and a medium drink. I think the combo was worth it. It tasted good and it was surely mouth watering. Their were heaps of people but it seemed as if there were no customers eating in that fast food outlet. As far as it goes I think it was awesome in all the 3 different forms of: presentation, Quantity and Quality.The ingredients of the burger was said to be from New Zealand including the meat, which was great quality. The location of the KFC I went to was appropriate as it was surrounded by shopping outlets but it did have more than 2 different food outlets surrounding it. The location of the KFC I went to was in 'The Hub' located in Botany just off Te Irirangi  Drive. There is not much to say since it was pretty clean but with just a little bit of dirt here and there, it had great customer service and was running well the. KFC franchise I went to was great I would recommend it and my rating for that specific franchise would be 8/10.